John Kuraoka, freelance advertising copywriter
(619) 465-6100
I’m also a brochure copywriter

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I’ve always thought it belittling to call brochures collateral, as if they were just these things off to the side, not really part of the main thrust of an advertising campaign. I think brochures are cool. In a world that aspires to be paperless, brochures are tangible and dimensional. They’re also fundamentally interactive. Unlike an ad, they have the space to let loose the full force of every one of your unique benefits. Unlike a website, they control the way your message rolls out.

I take a different approach to writing a brochure. Unlike many brochure writers, I like to give every spread or stand-alone panel a concept. So, rather than being confronted by a monotonous flow of informational copy, the reader gets actively pulled from page to page by brochure copy that attracts, intrigues, persuades, then intrigues further. My feeling is, information is useless unless somebody reads it. And, informing is only half the job anyway – like an ad, the real purpose of a brochure is to persuade.

First up will be PDFs, then a section of much slower-loading JPGs.

Brochure copywriting samples in .pdf format:

PinPoint Asia brochure: a B2B piece for a recruitment firm specializing in IT people. (Web version – details, details!)
GreenbioWood brochure: for eco-friendly wood flooring materials spanning B2B and B2C.
Sherwood Scuba magazine insert: a single consumer piece uniting three distinct brands of scuba and travel gear.
ISMA brochure: for an international organization of corporate security executives.
Advitium Access brochure: for one part of a process automation software solution.
Advitium Connect brochure: for another part of a process automation software solution.
First Northern Credit Union home equity loan mailer: the much-retained execution of a whimsical campaign concept.
PineappleHut brochure: making real estate consumer-friendly again.

Brochure copywriting samples as .jpg images (click for full-screen view):

Catalog cover: setting the mood
Brochure copy sample: catalog cover for ProAction, a maker of bicycle helmets and gear.
ProAction bike helmet catalog cover.

Product brochure
Brochure copy sample: product brochure cover. Brochure copy sample: product brochure first flap.
Hot Spring Spa brochure: cover and first inside flap.

Brochure copy sample: product #1.Brochure copy sample: product #2.Brochure copy sample: product #3. Brochure copy sample: back cover.
Hot Spring Spa brochure: inside full three-panel spread showing all three products individually, back cover.

High-end resort rack brochure
Brochure copy sample: resort brochure cover. Brochure copy sample: resort brochure first flap.
Whitetail Club tri-fold rack brochure: cover and first inside flap.

Brochure copy sample: resort brochure inside three-panel spread. Brochure copy sample: resort brochure back panel.
Whitetail Club tri-fold rack brochure: inside full three-panel spread, back panel

Sales training guides
Brochure copy sample: cover for an HP sales training guide. Brochure copy sample: sales training guide product summary page. Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, left side.Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, right side.
HP OfficeJet Pro Series sales training guide: cover, product summary page, and sample inside spread.

Brochure copy sample: cover for an HP sales training guide. Brochure copy sample: sales training guide corporate benefits page.Brochure copy sample: sales training guide customer qualifier page.
HP OfficeJet T Series sales training guide: cover and first inside spread.

Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, product summary left.Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, product summary right.
HP OfficeJet T Series sales training guide: product information summary

Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, software and technology left.Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, software and technology right Brochure copy sample: sales training guide spread, supplies page.
HP OfficeJet T Series sales training guide: software and technology spread, supplies page with product descriptions.

My experience as a copywriter (by industry):

Main page | Advertising portfolio | Consumer goods | Eco-friendly products | Food services | Healthcare | Hospitality & tourism | Internet | Manufacturing | Packaged goods | Real estate & construction | Retail & restaurants | Service | Technology

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Advertising & marketing advice.

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Napoleon’s advice to entrepreneurs, Part III: growing the enterprise
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Advertising copywriting mentorship
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