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The advertising copywriter mentorship program is closed. These pages remain up for archival and research purposes only.
Q: What are the prerequisites to apply for mentorship?
A: You should have completed general advertising and marketing classes and a
copywriting class. This mentorship program is designed for college juniors or seniors who
want to build their portfolios to get jobs as entry-level copywriters. Youll also need to be able to
send PDFs or small JPG files of thumbnails and sketches. And, youll need to be
able to call me to go over your work, during daylight hours in California.
Q: How do I apply for mentorship?
A: See full details on the application page, which is the
next page. Basically, youll send a cover letter, résumé, and sample project via
email to (no attachments please). For many
projects, you will need access to a scanner in order to email thumbnails.
Q: How many applications do you get, and how many do you accept?
A: If experience is any guide, I will receive anywhere from
50 to 100 applications for the single spot I can offer. I say that not to be
discouraging, but to be encouraging. If I can’t accept you, that may be more
my loss than yours! However, consider that the application is very
much a competition.
Q: What are you looking for in a mentorship program partner?
A: Basically, Im looking for someone with
ideas that get me excited; not someone who produces trite concepts followed by
workmanlike writing.
Im looking for someone who is actively pursuing a career as an advertising copywriter at a hot ad agency; not someone who has already started a career in some other department or field.
Im looking for someone whos plugged into the youth market; not someone going through a mid-career/mid-life crisis.
Im looking for someone whos creative power is focused; not a whirling scatterbrain.
I’m looking for someone who has been schooled in the basics of advertising concept and copy; not a talented but unschooled person to whom I’ll have to teach Advertising 101.
Im looking for someone whos already very good, but whos willing to work to become even better; not a prima donna.
Q: I applied a while back - why havent I heard from you?
A: Because for a while, other life pressures came to bear
with a force that flicked this casual little program right off my desk. That
said, I’m ashamed to say that I abandoned it with an abruptness that was
ill-mannered and appalling.
I’m back now, but this time I’m committed to limit the mentorship to a single, highly qualified participant - someone I’m excited about working with.
On a prosaic note, the most-frequent reasons for unanswered emails are either sending attachments (my Copywriting Mentorship emailbox automatically deletes applications with attachments), or sending materials to the wrong emailbox (my business emailbox blocks most emails about the mentorship program). In both of those cases, I never receive the email.
Q: How much work do I have to do in this mentorship series?
A: Ten different projects, some with multiple assignments. The syllabus is here. You can see two sample projects here and here.
Q: How much do you charge?
A: My mentorship is free. All I ask is that you put your best effort into each
Q: So, what do you get out of this?
A: Well, I like to teach. I like the idea that Im helping to improve
advertising. But, as I said in the introduction, my main
reason is that I get to see some fresh thinking from a young rising ad star. I like to think Im getting a preview of a future One Show.
And that, in turn, helps keep me fresh.
Q: Do I get academic credit for this?
A: No, but youll probably get a stronger book and better skills.
Q: Does spelling and grammar count?
A: Yes. Remember, this isnt novel-writing, where your work is reviewed by
professional readers and editors. This is advertising, a business in which your work is
reviewed by clients who typically have no background in writing. Egregious errors damage
your professional credibility.
Q: Will you grade my work?
A: No. I offer feedback, criticism, encouragement, and guidance, but no grades.
Q: Do I have to do the projects in order?
A: Yes, the projects must be done in order.
Q: Where do I send my work?
A: . If you have JavaScript disabled, then
youll have to type copywritingmentor @ hotmail-dot-com into your email program.
Q: What makes you qualified to be my mentor?
A: You can read all about me on my main website.
Besides a willingness to step up to the task, my professional qualifications are contained
in my online curriculum vitae and awards.